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I worked at Oishii for 1 year as an Industrial Designer.

Oishii Farm Corporation is responsible for developing the world's first and largest indoor vertical strawberry farm. They are changing the agriculture industry and how we grow food.

Brendan & I.HEIC

My team and I saved Oishii $400,000+ & 5,000+ labor hours with products we designed & implemented for construction of the world's largest indoor vertical strawberry farm.

Teburu is a tabletop jig system I designed to build hundreds of metal planter racks faster, cheaper, and safer, without construction error.

Project 1:


interior farm racks


rack building system ( Teburu )



Recognizing the construction team could only build 10 racks a day, with build errors and possibility of human injury, I calculated that the existing hand-assembly method would not fulfill Oishii's project timeline and budget.

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contractor team could build
and install 10 in one day

estimated labor cost

faulty assemblies


design brief:      create a system to build metal planter
                           racks error free, quicker, and safer.

ethnographic research
and user convos:  
I showed the above drawings to construction team members
and they gave me their feedback on how to make the ideal product.
visualization of research results

design objective:      design rack jig + transport system that is easily
                                   adoptable by construction team.


1.  3x  faster        2.  1/3  labor cost        3.  zero injuries        4.  zero faulty builds

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 made using Adobe Illustrator

rack build instructions
Teburu tabletop jig construction:
Teburu results:
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contractor team could build
and install 10 in one day

estimated labor cost

faulty assemblies

contractor team could build
and install 32 in one day

actual labor cost

faulty assemblies

 during all rack build
& install with design. 

Design and manufacture custom LED light hanger brackets

Project 2:

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custom lighting hung from racks


Oishii's original LED light holder bracket did not enable lights to deliver sufficient light intensity to plants, was unnecessarily expensive, and took a very long time to install onto the racks. 

Problem 1:


design brief:      design an inexpensive LED holder product that
                           installs quickly onto existing racks and enables                                                             increased light intensity to plants.



1.  single piece wire product     2.  no hardware needed to install 


3.  LED bars snap into slot        4.  bracket product hooks into rack 
5.  manually point light at plants to increase light intensity 

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Oishii construction plan required 5000 units of this new optimized LED light holder bracket manufactured within a 3 week time frame

Problem 2:

design brief:          design an automated manufacturing system that

                                will make 5000 light brackets in 3 weeks.   


design objective:      create a wire stick hopper / magazine loader system
                                   to integrate into existing tabletop CNC machine

1.  single piece wire sticks     2.  gravity load     
3.  automated pusher into CNC     4.  CNC makes LED light holder product

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pnuematic pusher to feed wire
stick into CNC bender

air compressor
connected to the
3 pneumatic pushers

pneumatic pusher to
load wire magazine

hand load
6-foot wire sticks

pneumatic pusher
loads 1 wire stick

pneumatic pusher
feeds wire stick into
CNC bender

custom sheet metal
bend zone & slopped
collection bin for wire part

safety & structure cage

Pensa DI Wire
CNC wire bender

Arduino-controlled Ryobi
wire cutter Pneumatic actuation
to drop over wire part, cut, then
retract out of bend path



custom design
“lighting bolt” 
3D printed wire


custom magazine "lightning bolt" design


x5000 units

LED light hanger + custom manufacturing results :

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increase in average light intensity
from optimized light 

saved in material cost

saved in labor cost
by optimizing design
for installation

parts manufactured in 3 weeks

manual labor hours
eliminated by automating
wire bending production

saved in labor hours
by optimizing design
for installation

click the page to visit Oishii's website and learn more!


click a picture or icon below to see more design!




- eatware made from palm leaf

- industrial design

- brand creation

- partnered with India-based business

- won India-based fundraising 

ID Drawings


- form study

- personal speed challenge


Freelance Designs


- consumer product design

- prototyping 

- product photography

- client management


Air 95


- custom-fit face mask

- medical product design

- industrial design

- graphic design

- brand + website creation

- injection molding design

- co-founder / startup

About Matthew Kelley

- bio 

- 2024 resume

- contact info

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